Jaime O.

6 Easy – and Natural – Ways to Boost Your Immune System

6 Easy – and Natural – Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Pandemic or not, supporting your immune system is an important part of a long-term, sustainable approach to health and wellness. Quick review: The immune system is a system of cells, organs and chemicals that work to fight infection. It includes, but is not limited to, white blood cells, the lymphatic system and antibodies. While it […]

Do IVs Work for Hangovers? 5 Things to Know.

Do IVs Work for Hangovers? 5 Things to Know.

Most of us who have been 21 have experienced the dreaded side effects of a fun night out over drinks: exhaustion, headache, nausea, dry mouth, and more. It’s the worst. And the go-to “cures” like greasy food, over-the-counter pain meds and a bottle of electrolyte water don’t always help us feel like new again – […]

5 Ways to Deal with Stress the Healthy – and Natural – Way

5 Ways to Deal with Stress the Healthy – and Natural – Way

If we’ve learned anything from 2020, it’s that stress can be triggered by so many different aspects of life: work, family, finances, social life, unforeseen global crises – the list goes on. And this past year may also have reminded us that there are ample unhealthy, and unproductive, ways to deal with stress. That ranges […]

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